Unsurprisingly, a Government Tries to Use Eminent Domain to Get Something for Nothing
Read below about the government's effort to take private property for public use, and then visit blynchlaw.com to learn about a law firm protecting property owners' rights.
According to a Detroit News article, a government is using
eminent domain to try to get something for nothing. According to the article, “[a] nonprofit that once sought to
purchase four dams in Midland and Gladwin counties plans to obtain them instead
through a government taking known as eminent domain.” More precisely, the article notes that the
dams would fall under county ownership.
The Four Lakes Task Force plans to begin condemnation proceedings related to four dams in an effort to acquire the dams at no cost by the end of the year. "The values [David Kepler, chairman of the Four Lakes Task Force] has placed on the dams are zero, that’s also false," the dams’ owner’s lawyer said. "He’s trying to get something for nothing.”
As law professor Charles Ten Brink is quoted as saying: by demanding the owner give the property away for nothing, the task force appears to be “begging for a fight." In short, when you're unsuccessful in your attempt to buy a property, get the government to try and take it. Better yet, have the government ask the court for the owner to give its property in return for zero dollars and zero cents.
Here's the July 20, 2020 article entitled, "Task force
plans to use eminent domain to take dams from Boyce Hydro":